AEA Statement: The AEA Statement was developed in October of 2003 in response to a Request to Comment in the Federal Register submitted by the Secretary of the US Department of Education. The AEA statement was reviewed and endorsed by the 2003 and 2004 Executive Committees of the Association. Click here to access the AEA Statement.
Federal Register: The November 4, 2003 Federal Register included an invitation to comment on a proposed priority that defined Scientifically Based Evaluation Methods. Click here to access the Invitation to Comment in the Federal Register.
Cover Letter to Margo K Anderson: The AEA Statement included a cover letter to Margo K Anderson when it was transmitted. This letter also indicates the 14 Senators and Representatives to whom the AEA Statement was copied. Click here to access the cover letter.
Press Release: AEA sent a Press Release announcing the statement and its concerns to major media outlets in the United States. Click here to access the AEA Press Release.
AERA Statement: The American Educational Research Association (AERA) also responded to the Department of Education's Request to Comment with both a cover letter and statement of their own. Click here to access the AERA Statement and Cover Letter.
NEA Statement: The National Education Association (NEA) also responded to the Department of Education's Request for Comment. Click here to access the NEA response - as a pdf file.
Department of Education Final Priority: The US Department of Education posted its final priority related to Scientifically Based Evaluation Methods in February of 2005. Click here to access the Department's priority - as a pdf file.
Your Response: If you have questions or concerns about, or a response to, the AEA Statement, please send them to Linda Mabry, the chair of the drafting committee, at