Graduate Education Diversity Internship Host Sites

Host Site and Scholar applications are now closed.

Host sites provide meaningful evaluation project work and mentoring to interns. GEDI Interns are among the best and brightest graduate students in the country who are learning through the internship to transfer their strong inquiry skills to real-life situations in organizations, agencies, and firms.

Hosting a GEDI at your organization is a unique opportunity to help build evaluation's future by fostering the professional growth of an intern from a background under-represented in the field. A number of host sites have found the GEDI experience so positive as to invite their intern to continue in a part- or full-time capacity upon completion of the internship. 

Interns work two days per week at your organization, September through June. Finalists are selected by an advisory team based on the applicant's capacity and interests as well as the needs of the site. Sites then interview the geographically matched candidates and select from the most qualified candidates in their region. Final placement of scholar candidates is determined by GEDI Program Directors based on the best match for both the site and the scholar.

Host site obligations include:

  • Providing a meaningful evaluation internship experience
  • Identifying a staff member with significant evaluation experience to serve as an on-site mentor
  • Paying directly to the intern the $15,000 stipend and to AEA the $16,000 program participation costs
  • Increasing organizational knowledge and capacity around culturally responsive evaluation

Preparing to Apply

Prior to beginning the GEDI application, please take the time to review and gather the required components below in preparation for application upload. You will be able to save and return to your application via the 'save and continue later' option at the bottom of the screen.

  • What is your organization's mission?
  • What evaluation work goes on at your institution/organization?
  • How does your institution/organization embrace principles or methods of culturally responsive evaluation, if at all?
  • Interns work approximately 2 days per week (or up to 16 hours per week) mid-September to mid-June. How do you envision integrating an intern into your evaluation work (what types of things would she/he/they be doing)?
  • Are there specific skills or background that you would seek in an intern, beyond strong general social science inquiry capacity?
  • Who would be the intern’s on-site supervisor and what is her/his/their experience with evaluation or knowledge of AEA or other professional evaluation organizations?
  • What is the work environment at your host site? Would the intern be working one-on-one or within a department? Is it ‘buttoned-up’ or come as you are comfortable?
  • Has your organization hosted a GEDI Scholar in the past? If so, please describe the experience and outcomes.
  • Please describe your organization's experience and structural capacity for hosting interns.
  • What else would you like to share with us?
  • In the event that we are unable to match you with a regionally located scholar candidate, invitations may be extended to interested prospective sites with the capacity to support a remote scholar experience. While we anticipate placing scholars in person for the 2023-2024 GEDI Cohort, we ask that sites remain open to virtual placements (with most scholars residing within one hour's proximity to your site) due to the ongoing global pandemic.
  • Please share with us briefly your vision of how the scholar will participate remotely. Please share any details that will clearly give us a sense of the day-to-day framework, the scholar’s commitment, if scholars will have the opportunity to participate in site visits or visit your offices, and your organization’s overall capacity to host scholars remotely (i.e. what virtual collaboration tools are typically used? what will the scholar need to connect with you? how you will interact and touch base regularly? etc.).