What is the history of evaluation case competitions?
Michael Obrecht founded the Canadian case competition in 1996 which has then led to a Czech competition starting in 2016, the world competition starting in 2018 (co-founded by Obrecht and Bea Courtney), and the India and Cameroon competitions starting in 2021. From 2018 to 2023, 271 students in 69 teams across 33 countries have competed in the world competition. As only one team in each country can compete in the world competition, AEA started a USA competition to choose the team to represent the United States in the WECC. Additionally, McGill University’s Max Bell School of Public Policy hosts an Evaluation Capacity Case Challenge (EC3) focused on evaluation capacity building.
Why is the AEA starting a case competition?
The American Evaluation Association has values of (iii) a global and international evaluation community as well as (iv) the continual development of evaluation professionals and the development of evaluators from under-represented groups. It also meets the end goals of 1.4 Student members have ample opportunities to develop the leadership skills and competencies needed to practice evaluation, contribute to the association, and the evaluation knowledge base. The student evaluation case competition will help support young and emerging evaluators
Who is running the US student evaluation case competition?
The Student Evaluation Case Competition working group is responsible for coordinating the annual case competition. The working group members all have a strong interest in supporting young and emerging evaluators and have either have prior experience working in case competitions, competing in case competitions or are interested in bringing case competitions to other nations to expand the world evaluation case competition globally.
2024-2025 working group: Dana Linnell, Steve Mumford, Julian Nyamupachitu, Rana Gautam, Jennifer Yessis, Asma Ali, Meg Johnson, Elena Polush, Jonny Morell, Gabriel Keney, Brianna Crumly, Doreen Otieno
2023-2024 working group: Dana Linnell, Steve Mumford, Carolina De La Rosa Mateo, Julian Nyamupachitu, Rana Gautam, Jennifer Yessis, Asma Ali, Meg Johnson, Elena Polush, Jonny Morell, Gabriel Keney, Brianna Crumly
2022-2023 working group: Dana Linnell, Steve Mumford, Carolina De La Rosa Mateo, Julian Nyamupachitu, Rana Gautam, Jennifer Yessis, Asma Ali, and Christine Roseveare
How can I get involved in the case competition working group?
Please email scc@eval.org if you are interested in joining the working group; you will be emailed application details. Note that working group members are not able to compete in the student evaluation case competition as team members, judges, or coaches.
Why is the competition in English?
We have chosen to limit the competition to English to simplify the competition due to the challenges associated with judging submissions in multiple languages. We hope in the future to offer the option to create submissions in other languages.
Is the world competition held in person or virtually?
The World Evaluation Case Competition is held virtually.
Do you have to be a student member of AEA to participate?
You do not need to be a student member of AEA to participate.
I have a question that is not answered on this page.
Please email scc@eval.org with your questions. A member of the student evaluation case competition working group will reply to your email shortly.