Information for SECC Judges

Who can judge the competition?

We are seeking people experienced in evaluation who are interested in supporting young and emerging evaluators to judge case submissions. Ideally, judges will have at least four years of experience working in or around evaluation (e.g., evaluators, evaluation supervisors, evaluation funders, evaluation instructors). We welcome judges from a wide variety of disciplines, sectors, intellectual backgrounds, and personal backgrounds. Judges will be interested in helping support young and emerging evaluators by providing critical and supportive feedback to student teams to help them develop their evaluation skills. 

Note that team members, including students and coaches, who are competing in the case competition are not eligible to serve as judges.

How do I sign up to judge the competition?

People interested in judging can sign up to judge the competition. Registration is now closed.

What is the time commitment for judges?

We anticipate judges will spend roughly 20-30 hours preparing for judging before the competition, judging submissions, and providing feedback/assessments back to student teams. However, the hours will depend on the number of teams and number of judges solicited for the competition. 

Important dates for judges:

Judging sign-up opens: February 2025

Judging sign-up deadline: Saturday, March 1, 2025

Judging orientation and preparation: potentially March 2025

Competition window: Thursday, April 3 through Sunday, April 7

Judging process: April-June

Judging deliberation (if needed): TBD through judge scheduling

What do judges receive?

Judges will receive recognition and discount conference registration for the upcoming AEA conference. More information on compensation will be provided in the summer.
