Evaluation Publications, Journals, and Standards

AEA works year-round to develop articles, blog posts, and enhanced standards to guide the practice of evaluation and provide key insights into the trends, cultural considerations, and reporting strategies that advance the field of evaluation.

American Journal of Evaluation

The American Journal of Evaluation (AJE) is the official journal of AEA. The journal publishes original papers about the methods, theory, practice, and findings of evaluation. The American Journal of Evaluation is released quarterly and is delivered free to AEA members. Learn more about the American Journal of Evaluation.

New Directions for Evaluation

The New Directions for Evaluation (NDE), a quarterly sourcebook, is an official publication of AEA. The journal publishes works on all aspects of evaluation, with an emphasis on presenting timely and thoughtful reflections on leading-edge issues of evaluation theory, practice, methods, the profession, and the organizational, cultural, and societal context within which evaluation occurs. AEA members receive a free subscription to New Directions for Evaluation. Learn more about New Directions for Evaluation.


AEA365 is a daily blog that provides a tip a day for evaluators. AEA365 highlights hot tips, cool tricks, rad resources, and lessons learned for evaluators. Visit AEA365.


The AEA eLibrary features an array of documents, presentations, videos, and papers posted by AEA members and TIG leaders. The library can be searched by resource type or by keywords. Visit the AEA eLibrary.

Guiding Principles

The Guiding Principles reflect the core values of the AEA and are intended as a guide to the professional ethical conduct of evaluators. The five Principles address systematic inquiry, competence, integrity, respect for people, and common good and equity. Learn more.

AEA Evaluator Competencies

The AEA Evaluator Competencies were created by AEA and are grounded in AEA’s foundational documents, Program Evaluation Standards, the AEA Guiding Principles, and the AEA Statement on Cultural Competence. The Evaluator Competencies encourage the evaluation community to converse about what makes evaluators distinct as practicing professionals, arriving at a set of competencies that serves as a roadmap for guiding evaluation education and training.


Joint Committee on Standards for Educational Evaluation

Originally initiated by the American Educational Research Association, the American Psychological Association, and the National Council on Measurement in Education, the Joint Committee now includes many other organizations in its membership, including AEA. The Joint Committee has developed a set of standards for the evaluation of educational programs as well as for evaluating personnel. Although AEA has not formally adopted these standards, it does support the Joint Committee's work.

Learn more about the Educational Program Evaluation Standards
Learn more about the Personnel Evaluation Standards
